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Jan 28, 2020

do you have a weird way you eat certain food? like mayo with steak?
belly laughs...what makes you lol
does having your partner around during labor make the pain worse?
super bowl prop bets
super bowl party panic...what are our biggest concerns about hosting or going to a party
if you could pay someone to do one of your spring cleaning "honey do's"...what would it be?
what's your go to favorite fruit
odd things that would calm your baby
company in china is banning employees from using their cellphone in the bathroom
parenting pointers with dr. claudia...human composting
goodbye/fun is beer can appreciation day...which recognizes the great day in 1935 when beer was first sold in cans...The first beer produced in a can goes to Krueger Brewing Company of Richmond, Virginia but it was American Can Company that made canning drinkable beer possible...then in 1963 -the Pull Tab –was introduced by Pittsburgh Brewing Company (known as pop tops)...but people didn't recycle them and they were left all over the in 1975 – Stay Tabs were introduced- by Falls City Brewing Company of Louisville, KY