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Apr 24, 2020

the end date of COVID keeps getting pushed back...but in the UK they are thinking of closing bars until Christmas!
best and worst states to work from home during COVID
foods not to eat if you want to get busy
what's your go to "happy song"
best puzzles to get online
what your favorite dessert says about you
ashley and brad play battle of the sexes
ashley and brad play battle of the sexes
men claim to be better drivers than women...but do they hide their driving imperfections?
coronavirus myths according to the NY post
goodbye/fun facts....The first Earth Day celebration occurred on April 22, 1970, when 20 million Americans across the country marched in protest against rising pollution. Each year has a theme...this year's theme is Climate Action; visit for more info...and as far as cleaning steer clear of noxious chemicals. (To search by brand, go to