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Jan 19, 2022

how some fast food places got their name
would you participate in the "pay for the customer behind you drivie through thing"?
what's too expensive now that you're just done with it
how do you nicely tell friends/relatives they can't stay with you
game: everybody knows
what's your go-to tv snack
yahoo questions we should ask ourselves regularly
game: 20 questions
if you want to move to a place of solitude...would you remove your appendix?
is your favorite food deadly?
goodbye/fun facts....Winnie the Pooh has been a childhood favorite for generations. ....on this day in 1882 ​A. A. Milne, creator of Winnie the Pooh, was born....alan alexander milne went to a small independent school run by his of his teachers was prolific english writer H.G. Wells. Milne created Winnie the Pooh in 1926 about a boy named Christopher Robin (milne's son) and his array of stuffed toys. his stories have sparked wholesome, honey-loving, childhood dreams for nearly a century. in 1960 The story of Winnie the Pooh hit the prestigious New York Times Best Seller List. milne died on january 21, 1956...his widow sold her rights to the Pooh characters to Stephen Slesinger, whose widow sold the rights after Slesinger's death to the Walt Disney Company