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Oct 15, 2021

do you have the same table manners at home vs eating out
the most reckless drivers drive these cars...
best halloween treats according to kids
when someone is 'running a few minutes late' late do you think they are?
game: outburst
me to get more
dentists reveal the worst candy for your teeth
game: mindtrap
what did your dog eat...
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goodbye/fun facts....Cash in those kale salad points and reward yourself with the a warm sugary's national dessert day! The term “dessert” originates from the French word desservir, which translates to the action “to clear the table.” This is because dessert is served after a main meal’s dishes have been cleared. The very first desserts required minimal effort or preparation since ancient cultures were more focused on the nutrition in foods to survive. Over the years, desserts have changed from natural candies and nuts to complex soufflés and multi-layered cakes.