Apr 27, 2023
is there an app for everything? ashley needed one the other
day...and thinks it's important
word of the day
game: $5 trivia
best rock bands from the 70's, 80's, 90's
so many stores we grew up with are going away (bed bath and beyond)
because of amazon...do you miss any of them?
game: getting to know you
chat gpt for travel!
do you lose sleep worrying about your job/co-workers etc?
you listen more to your heart or your brain? has that changed
as you've gotten older?
things we should clean during "spring cleaning"
goodbye/fun facts....audobon day...This day is celebrated in honor
of (and marks the birth of) John James Audubon, a French-American
ornithologist, naturalist, and painter who was well-known for his
extensive studies on American birds and their habitats....and this
day also recognizes the crucial work done by The National Audubon
Society. Spring is an excellent time to observe the birds...
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service say 45 million people
enjoy bird watching. if you're new to bird watching...simply
step outside and observe the birds around you. You can look up
details of birds you don’t recognize on the Audubon website.
if you have some space in your backyard...design your own
bird-friendly locale with native shrubs, trees, pedestal birdbaths,
and/or you can hang bird feeders that you've created from plastic
bottles, coffee cans, or even milk jugs