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Apr 25, 2024

have you ever been too embarrassed to go back to a business?
word of the day
game: 1 minute mysteries
are there certain sandwiches that need to be on toasted bread vs ones that must be on untoasted bread
historical markers...don't always believe what you see!
game: 80's and 90's trivia 
most overhyped board games
longest baseball game you've ever been to
game: outburst
when you dvr a long til you actually watch it?
goodbye/fun guide dog day...Guide dogs provide opportunities for social interaction and greater independence for legally blind adults. the first reference to guide dogs is seen in a nursery rhyme from the year says:  “A is an Archer” ... “B was a Blind-man/Led by a dog.”  by the 1920's Guide dogs helped German soldiers following World War I. and in 1929...the first U.S. guide dog training school opened when Dorothy Harrison Eustis and Morris Frank started The Seeing Eye in Tennessee. today...more than 140 million people in the United States alone are blind or suffer from some sort of vision impairment. Properly trained guide dogs keep them remain safe and independent by helping them navigate everyday obstacles. training training can be an expensive and time-consuming process. It can take up to two years and $25,000 to fully train a single service consider making a contribution to the guide dogs of america