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Nov 30, 2024

News; birthdays/events; game: 5 second rule; word of the day.

News; when A.I. does a good thing; game: black friday quiz; would you like to take a day off from work when you're in a bad mood?

News; gifts for people who say they "don't need anything"; game: minute mysteries; Ashley forgot someone's name and tried to...

Nov 29, 2024

News; birthdays/events; game: outburst; word of the day.

News; Larry the Cable guy explains Thanksgiving; Thanksgiving aiaiokee; myths about Thanksgiving.

News; game: movies trivia; where did the turducken come from??  and John Madden even explains it!; Stan Freberg turkey.

News; game: general trivia; A&B first...

Nov 28, 2024

News; birthdays/events; would you wear sweats all day thanksgiving or is that too casual?;
word of the day.

News; is it rude to ask your thanksgiving friends/family to help with your holiday decor?;
game: Macy's day parade questions; would you rather go ice skating or roller skating?

News; if you're tired of washing...

Nov 27, 2024

News; birthdays/events; airbnb or hotel for the holidays?; word of the day.

News; game: NFL Thanksgiving trivia; Butterball turkey talk line part 1; Butterball turkey talk line part 2.

News; game: Brad's dad Thanksgiving jokes; worst Thanksgiving fails;  2024 word of the are you going to incorporate it into...

Nov 26, 2024

News; birthdays/events; seeing things from someone else's persepective can help us be more grateful; word of the day.

News; how do you handle "holiday squatters"?; game: quiz; game: feud.

News; weird thanksgiving food that always seem to show are the top 3; questions americans are asking google; movie theater...