Jun 24, 2020
what makes a house the "cool house" during the summer? a pool? a
what's the one word you can't pronounce?
ashley and brad play "things" game
since the summer county fairs are cancelled...what is your all time
favorite fair food...
how old actors were in roles might shock you
top 10 states for tiny living
54% of us don't know how to do this with our cars...
ashley and brad play "mini quiz"
if you could stop doing one household chores...which one would it
what are your top "house" rules...
goodbye/fun facts...It’s almost Carpenter Ant Awareness Week If
you’ve dealt with carpenter ants, you don’t want to again, and if
you haven’t, you never want to..Carpenter ants are just as capable
as termites of inflicting damage to your property. They like damp
or decaying wood, removing small pieces to assemble their own
nests. Although carpenter ants do not eat the wood like termites
do, they can similarly infest your home and cause lasting
damage....while you're still on lockdown...do a little self check
around your house and get it taken care of if you have them!