Apr 29, 2022
what do americans hope to achieve this year?
natural remedies for bug bites
luxury items that are worth the money
luxury items that are NOT worth the money
game: the acronym game
what would make going to the dmv and enjoyable experience?
when you get frustrated at work how do you deal with it
game: password
experts on how to mindfully relax
funny/not so funny things kids do
goodbye/fun facts....National Superhero Day ...the first superhero
ever was created in 1936. He was named Phantom and he started
with his own comic strip in a U.S. newspaper. Now we have
Batman, Superman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Hulk,
and Spiderman. Even though they are fictional, these
superheroes provide role models for our children. but
real-life superheroes may not have superpowers or wear capes.
real-life superheroes also dedicate their lives to helping others,
saving lives, or being a mentor. Military personnel, police
officers, firefighters, and teachers...moms, dads, family
members...so thank your superhero today!