Aug 25, 2022
bad habits to kick (before new years)
what makes a good parent-teacher relationship
game: pyramid
what's the worst thing you've spilled in your car
multi-generational households
game: think n sync
best, mediocre, and worst state to retire
would you rent yourself out?
have you ever texted the wrong person?
most overused/disliked slang
goodbye/fun facts....national knife day...we celebrate one of
humankind’s very first tools. early knives were made of bone,
stone, and flint, and today, they are made using titanium, bronze,
iron, and steel. in 1891...The Karl Elsener Company makes the Swiss
Army knife...but they aren't entirely swiss...The corkscrew tool of
a Swiss Army Knife is made in Japan. If you're looking for a good can watch an old video on youtube of ed ames trying to
teach johnny carson how to throw a tomahawk