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Aug 27, 2022

no staring least at this nightclub in australia
do you let people ahead of you in line if they ask?
what have they done to the big mac?!?!
ways we judge others
game: wanna be a millionaire
besides "influencer"..what do you kids want to be when they grow up?
what your cell phone ringer says about you
game: everybody knows
do ashley and brad know these cooking basics?
people are being uninvited to weddings...would you be offended?
goodbye/fun facts....national toilet paper day...Before the advent of toilet paper, from at least 79 A.D. until the fall of the Roman empire, the Romans cleaned themselves with a tersorium (a type of sponge) after relieving themselves. It was made of a sea sponge on a stick and they would simply rinse it off and leave it for the next person.  It wasn’t until 1857 that toilet paper began being sold in the United States of America.  In the 1960s, toilet paper came in different colors, especially in pink and green to match the bathroom hues. Americans love their toilet paper though and use it the most out of any other country. Though this can also be attributed to the fact that some countries prefer using a bidet over toilet paper to clean up.