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Aug 31, 2022

a funny gimmick/toy to get the potato chip grease off your fingers...but they're ony making 5 of them!
listener feedback back...nicknames etc
is it harder to be a parent now or when our parents were raising us?
game: scattergories
what are you wanting to get done before fall begins
why don't we like looking at other people's pictures?
game: speak out
best routine for back to school/work chaos
world air guitar championships
do find it hard to tell people what your really think?
goodbye/fun facts....toasted marshmallow day...Get your friends together, a few long sticks and a bag of marshmallows.  you can eat 'em plain or make a s'more...Upon personal preference, marshmallows are heated to various degrees from gently toasted to a charred outer layer.  The exact date of when marshmallows were created has been lost to history, but many scholars cite ancient Egypt as somewhat of a starting point for the sweet treat. Ancient Egyptians made marshmallows by extracting the sap from the root of a plant called ‘Althaea officinalis.’ people who are scared of marshmallows have althaiophobia. Over the centuries, the marshmallow went through several changes...The key ingredient, which was the root of the marshmallow plant, was also replaced with gelatin/corn starch as the latter made the process easier and faster