Jul 26, 2023
game: which came first
word of the day
car options/upgrades....would you want any of these?
game: just over $1,000 pyramid
would you gossip about your place of employment if it was
things people think are the same part 3
game: name that movie
feel good story...norway and mirrors
why are concert tickets so expensive in the u.s.
what food would you refuse to eat even it were the last thing
goodbye/fun facts....National Hot Fudge Sundae Day...There are many
cities that claim to be the home of the hot fudge sundae, but
they’ve all got one thing in common: they’re American cities.
Two Rivers, Wisconsin...Ithaca, NY....Los
Angeles...Ordinances at the time prohibited the sale of ice cream
sodas on the Sabbath....so they came up with the culinary
masterpiece of the sundae...The most expensive sundae can also be
found in the United States. If you are willing to pay $25,000, you
can enjoy the world’s most expensive sundae in New York City at
Serendipity 3.