Jul 28, 2023
don't have time to finish your craft projects...here's a great
word of the day
game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grader
international regions help inspire us to make food...
how to get a few more steps in each day
game: geneval reads song lyrics
do you think certain things you learned in school are useless?
are you shrinking? when did you notice
game: mindtrap
funny/feel good story...karaoke in the sky
goodbye/fun facts....National Intern Day...Internships offer future
business leaders the experience they need. interns provide a
fresh perspective....and are usually up to date on the latest
latest business knowledge and techniques. Internships
also provide hands-on experience to potential new recruits to the
business world. From engineering to science, research, and
non-profits, interns are essential to business relationships.
Apparently nowadays they get minimum wage...back in my day I
got college credit.