Jan 27, 2024
have you ever heard of denmark's 'human library'?
word of the day
if you eat healthy during the day...should you get a 'hall pass'
for the nights/weekends? what things should you get a hall
pass for?
what needs to be included in your ultimate super bowl party
game:general trivia
do you dress up at your house of worship...or just jeans and
t-shirt the service?
what did you hide so well...you couldn't find it?
game: geneva reads billboard top 4 songs lyrics
game: guess that sports icon
how often do you sleep with socks on?
goodbye/fun facts....Dental Drill Appreciation Day... Few patients
would think that the dental drill should be celebrated. It is a
fact, however, that over the years, this device has become
increasingly sophisticated, accurate, and efficient. The modern
drill also minimizes the damage to the surrounding teeth and gums
when carrying out any dental procedure. jan 26th is the day George
Green invented the electric drill. before the electric
drill...dentist used manual bow drills...like the ones that had
been around since the stone age! so as a reminder...make sure you
get regular dental examinations.