Jan 31, 2024
how much do you rely on your car's technology?
word of the day
superbowl break
game: guess that celebrity singer
what would the pittsburgh penguins do if they weren't professional
hockey players?
what's your go-to salad? would you eat a 'big mac' salad?
game: I should have known that
what's your hiccup cure?
over half of americans shop for christmas year round...do you?
(shocker: ashley does)
game: tv show password-ish
goodbye/fun facts....Yodel For Your Neighbors Day encourages people
to try their hand at yodeling. Yodeling is an age-old form of
singing popularized by the shepherds in Scandinavia....1545
cowherds in the Alps yodeled to round up cattle. in the
1800's German immigrants in Pennsylvania introduce yodeling to
American society....and by the 1920's American singers,
songwriters, and composers, such as Jimmie Rodgers and Riley
Puckett, include it in their music....you can even teach yourself
with the online tool: yodelcourse.org