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Oct 30, 2024

News; birthdays/events; if your thanksgiving meal is made for you and even delivered to you...does it take all the fun out of it?; word of the day.

News; minimalist travel is the new luxury; game: arapnet quiz; does the name of the show determine whether you'd watch it? (a list of some famous show and their original names)

News; buzzfeed list of products that are actually brilliant!; game: everybody knows;
some people are irritated with the every season "christmas tree".

News; with the time change and the busy holiday on falling (and staying) asleep; game: 80's/90's trivia; goodbye/fun facts....national internet day...October 29, 1969...Charley Kline, a young grad student on the UCLA campus attempts to send the first internet message to his colleague, Bill Duvall, at Stanford. They’re working on something called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), the U.S. Defense Department-funded network that connected four terminals installed at UCLA, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. They succeeded.  by 1996 AOL introduces a monthly flat rate for access to internet chat rooms instead of charging by the hour. For $19.95 a month, users could now stay for as long as they wanted. and in just 3 years...AOL’s subscriber base would grow to 17 million users.