Nov 26, 2024
News; birthdays/events; seeing things from someone else's persepective can help us be more grateful; word of the day.
News; how do you handle "holiday squatters"?; game: quiz; game: feud.
News; weird thanksgiving food that always seem to show are the top 3; questions americans are asking google; movie theater behaviors...what's ok and what's not?
News; game: calendar trivia; feel good story of the day;
"goodbye/fun facts....National Cashew Day. The cashew nut is a seed
harvested from the cashew tree..which originated in Northeastern
Brazil. However, it is now widely grown in tropical climates for
its cashew apples and nuts. The cashew tree has a fruit called the
“cashew apple.” Its fragile skin makes it unsuitable for
Latin Americans make a fruit drink from the cashew apple. The name
‘cashew’ comes from the Portuguese for its fruit, ‘caju’ or
‘acaju,’ derived from the Tupian word which means ‘nut that
produces itself.’ It wasn’t until 1905 that cashews reached the
United States and once Americans got a taste of it, the demand for
cashews spiked. experts say a serving size is 1 ounce (about 18