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Apr 14, 2021

besides caffeine...what legal substance are you addicted to?
what should every person do in their lifetime?
top 50 songs to put you in a good mood
strange driving laws from around the world
game: general trivia
what's the big spring/summer project that you actually plan on completing?
no good deed goes unpunished
game: mindtrap
what smell instantly takes you back to childhood?
calorie burning guide
goodbye/fun facts....Today is Plant Appreciation Day. houseplants do more than just bring a splash of green into our homes, Plants are our friends, our counterparts. We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. and as the temps warm up throughout spring and summer...a houseplant will actually reduce the air temperature in your home. Plants produce humidity as well as oxygen, and this added moisture cools the air. check out a nursery...they'll be able to help you pick a houseplant that is right for you.