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Mar 30, 2022

ugliest sounding words in the english language
did you see an artist or group that played in local bars that is now mega famous?
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game: think n sync
what's the coolest thing about living in this day and age 
if you got stuck in a restaurant for 14 days...which one would you like to get stuck in?
game:  speak out
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how much does prom cost?  how much did it cost when you went?
goodbye/fun facts....World Piano Day is celebrated on the 88th day of the year, which is the same as the number of keys on the piano.  The idea behind it was to celebrate the piano across the world by holding events, performances, masterclasses.  Hammered dulcimers were the very first string instrument used since the Middle Ages in Europe. After several attempts of creating stringed keyboard instruments, the mechanisms of the clavichord and the harpsichord were developed during the 17th century.  As the Mozart-era piano underwent changes from 1790 to 1860, the modern structure of the instrument came into existence.  learning to play the piano sharpens fine motor skills and improves hand-eye coordination.