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Nov 25, 2021

thanksgiving foods that can be dangerous for your dog
would you go to thanksgiving/christmas dinner if people charged for it? what if it was your in-laws?
game: thanksgiving 5 second rule
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who would you want to teach a master class and in what subject
game: what year was it?
if you could give thanks to someone in your past...who and why?
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why are we tossing and turning so much?
goodbye/fun facts....national jukebox day. Louis Glass and William S. Arnold, managers of the Pacific Phonograph Co., created the first jukebox. Called a nickel-in-the-slot phonograph at the time, this revolutionary was displayed at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco, California, on November 23, 1889. It saw instant success, making over $4000 (the equivalent of about $120,249.23 today) in the first year alone. As the machine’s expansion and popularity increased, technological advancements were made. in 1937 the term jukebox was coined...derived from the slang ‘juke,’ meaning ‘to dance and act wildly.’ and also because places called ‘juke houses’ or ‘jook joints.’ were popular in the early 1900s, where people congregated in these establishments to drink and listen to music. in 1998 TouchTunes launches the first digital jukebox network, allowing customers to search and browse a digital library of 750 songs. In 2010, TouchTunes released the first-ever social jukebox mobile app on iOS and Android. The app allows users to find nearby jukebox locations, create playlists, and queue up songs on the jukebox directly from their phone.