Dec 24, 2021
when was the last time you couldn't stop laughing over something
if you don't make resolutions for yourself...would you dare suggest
a resolution for someone else?
cute idea to help kids part with toys they don't need/play with
game: movie password
what don't you want any more of for christmas gifts...ties?
perfume? kitchen gadgets?
things from 2021 that we like so much we want to make a permanent
part of our lives
things you didn't know you could do with beer according to popular
game: movie trivia
do you like wrapping gifts or would you rather poke your eyes
keanu reeves' list of movies he thinks everyone should watch...will
brad agree with ANY of these?
goodbye/fun facts....Get ready to snuggle in your warm blanket with
a mug of hot chocolate and your favorite holiday snacks! it's
national christmas movie marathon day!! The world’s first Christmas
movie was a silent short made in 1898, titled ‘Santa Claus.’ it was
just over a minute long, this was the first time that Santa Claus
graced the screens. in fact...A lot of the early Christmas films
were short movies. and now there is no end to the types of
christmas if you're favorite is elf, or home alone or
it's a wonderful life or die hard or the nightmare before christmas can watch them all today as you marathon movies all