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Jan 27, 2023

ashley got scammed/hacked!!!
what chores do you tend to push aside?
game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grader
world's oldest living person gives advice
what do you do when your wi-fi goes out?
game: backwards or forwards
splash mountain is selling the water from the ride...have you ever purchased anything 'silly'?
best places in the world to watch the sunset
college traditions
strangest place you have (or have seen) a tv
goodbye/fun facts....After finding that more than 50 percent of Americans break their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January.  A variety of green juices can be found at your local grocer or health food store. Replacing that soda or even iced coffee with a healthy green juice can help your skin, boost your energy, they're rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. Leafy green juices are also excellent sources of amino acids.  if you can even make your own at home with a blender...and there are hundreds of recipes online!