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May 25, 2023

when was the last time you wrote an actual check?
word of the day
most over and under rated tv shows
game: geneva reads song lyrics
how do you have fun without spending a ton of cash?
latest road rage episode you saw...or were involved in
game: mindtrap
is there something you often take from restaurants?
senior pranks are now getting kids arrested!
tips for graduating high schoolers
goodbye/fun facts....National Asparagus Day... Asparagus production in the United States is concentrated between three states: California, Michigan, and Washington, and it is best in the spring, making it the perfect cookout veggie. This versatile vegetable can be pan-seared, fried, baked, or grilled, and it is full of nutrients like fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.  Asparagus was an ancient vegetable. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it as offerings dating back to 3000 BC. They used the Persian word ‘asparag,’ which meant a shoot or sprout. Peasants called it ‘sparrow grass.’ Asparagus can take three years to go from seed to harvest, but the plants will produce spears for decades, making it a great crop.