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May 31, 2023

new research says the more we look at food...the less we eat.  is that true for you?
word of the day
do you like qr codes?  they seem to be everywhere now
game: slogan game
what will our future homes look like in 2050?
ordinary things that bring happiness to adults
game: who wants to be a fake millionaire
actors who have broken out of their typecast roles
mistakes we're making when we use chat to use it better
game:  totally 80's trivia
goodbye/fun facts....we're supposed to 'stop and smell the roses'...but they need water to grow! National Water A Flower Day recognizes the season of caring for our garden plants. it can be therapeutic  caring for a living thing. The more they’re nurtured, the more they thrive.  It’s important to know whether your flowers like damp soil or to be more on the drier side.  Most people would agree that we tend to take flowers for granted. This is because we see them whenever we look out of the window or go for a walk. However, our walks would not be anywhere near as beautiful or peaceful without nature!